16. June 2023
16:00 – 17:30
  • Guided Tour

Inclusive Tactile Guided Tour

The event has to be cancelled for private reasons.

Art historian and art educator Barbara Campaner leads an inclusive tactile tour through the museum’s sculpture garden. Sculptures by Georg Kolbe, the planting concept and the history of the building ensemble will be explored.

It is often the stories about exhibited objects or the impressions they create that arouse our interest in works of art and stimulate our imagination. What associations does a work of art trigger? What memories are reawakened in the encounter with art? How do I gain new access to an art object?

A museum visit within an inclusive group always means an encounter with different perceptions and approaches. We want to learn from each other and thus gain new access to the works of art. During a guided tour, the participants engage in conversation in front of the originals and approach the works of art through several senses.

The inclusive tactile tours are aimed at adults with and without visual impairments.