Garden tour: Georg Kolbe's studio house under the pine trees of Grunewald

Garden tour: Georg Kolbe's studio house under the pine trees of Grunewald


„A former wide forest path had formed an open space in the pine stand,“ is how Georg Kolbe’s architect Ernst Rentsch described the plot of land on which a new place to live and work was built for the sculptor in the late 1920s.
Among other things, the sculptor created an individual vision of a sparse woodland landscape in his own garden for this purpose, using blue-rain, wild roses and Turk’s-collar lilies, to which he added some of his own works. Visitors can explore this special symbiosis of architecture, nature and sculpture in the changing light during the guided tour and get to know Kolbe’s ideal of his „open-air workspace“ better. Like the building ensemble itself, the garden has undergone extensive research and restoration work in recent years. The concept of this landscape design, which is to be understood less as a reconstruction of the historical inventory than as a contemporary interpretation, will also be presented.

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