Georg Kolbe Museum


Daily 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., closed on Tuesday – currently only partially accessible –


14. 02.
Friday, 18:00

Culinary Evening

  • Adult

Café Benjamine invites you to a culinary evening. Following your visit to the current exhibition, you can look forward to a 5-course menu with interpretations of French cuisine, accompanied by wines from Bioland winemaker Anna Weinreuter.

22. 02.
Saturday, 15:00–17:00

Panorama with Fionn Adamian

In the Panorama series, changing guests contribute their expertise and curiosity and open up new spaces for discourse on art in dialogue with the audience. Author and art critic Fionn Adamian offers a creative writing workshop that enables multi-layered approaches thanks to the impressive variety of works on display.

08. 03.
Saturday, 15:30–17:00

Lecture on the artist Oleksandra Exter

Tetyana Filevska, creative director of the Ukrainian Institute in Kyjiw, curator and cultural activist, specialises in the period of the Ukrainian avant-garde. In her lecture, she will talk about the painter and stage designer Oleksandra Exter, who grew up in Kyjiw and whose expressive marionettes are world-famous today.


Becoming a Green Museum

The Georg Kolbe Museum is now using its flat roof for a solar panel system. We are now using sustainable energy. The long-term goal is to cover most of the museum’s energy requirements ourselves.